What can I do for my Dry Hair?

What can I do for my Dry Hair?

Too many colors, perms or excessive use of heated styling tools can leave you with dry hair. Severely damaged and split hair cannot be repaired. You must seek professional help by means of a good hair cut. Split hair will continue to split farther and farther up the hair shaft, claiming more of your hair. To prevent this have a good amount cut off (at least 2-3 inches for long hair) to rid yourself of the worst of the dry hair.

Regular trims will be needed to continue to shed the old damaged hair and allow your healthy new hair to remain that way. Using proper hair products is also a must. Shampoos and conditioners for dry/damaged hair are your best bet for protecting and moisturizing your dry hair. Avoid hair products with excessive alcohol in them which will dry out your hair even further. Ask your JON VAN Stylist for product recommendations.

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2105 LaVista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329
Toco Hill Shopping Center - between Kroger and Pike's
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